Lease foreign territory - To gain the strategic upper hand on your enemy, use the Security Council to gain access through international waterways such as the Turkish Strait and the Suez Canal.
Access resources you require - Via monopoly contracts with Non Aligned countries who will be expecting you to support their goals in return.
Legitimize territory you acquired - Convince the world that you are the rightful holder of your newly conquered territory or discredit the legitimacy of others who hold territory you desire.
Unique Foreign Aid mechanics - Allowing you to provide economic aid and advance your ideology with the Marshall Plan or the Comecon aid programs.
Unique UN Security Council mechanic - Play as either a permanent or a non permanent member of the UN Security Council, shape the world according to your wishes, gather support to pass resolutions or turn down resolutions that could harm your interests, use your veto power to stop those who try to outmaneuver you.
Contain Communism - By supporting friendly regimes, asking for the UN to conduct police action or providing material aid to stop Communism from taking over the people's hearts.
Spread Communism to other countries - Establish the Eastern Bloc in Europe and support the Communists in China for the glory of Communism.
Begin the cold war in 1946 and find your unique solutions to the Iran Crisis, Turkish Strait Crisis and many other historic events.
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